NeMO Rome

La sede di Rome

NeMO Clinical Center Rome was born in 2015 and is spread over two areas:

  • The adult area has hospital rooms and respiratory care clinics led by the Clinical Management of Prof. Mario Sabatelli. The Centre is part of the Department of Neuroscience, sense and thorax organs of the A. Gemelli Foundation University Hospital.
  • The pediatric area is led by the Clinical Direction of Prof. Marika Pane and the Scientific Direction of Prof. Eugenio Mercuri. The Centre is part of the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health of the A. Gemelli Foundation University Hospital. In 2019 the NINeR – NeMO Institute of Neuromuscular Research was born, it is dedicated to pediatric clinical research, in particular SMA and DMD.

Clinical and Scientific Director NeMO Rome adults

Prof. Mario Sabatelli

Scientific Director NeMO Rome pediatric

Prof. Eugenio Mercuri

Clinical Director NeMO Rome pediatric

Prof. Marika Pane


Il Centro Clinico NeMO Rome offre:
Beds for ordinary hospitalization
Reception space
Beds for inpatient (pediatric)
Beds for the Day Hospital (pediatric)
Gym (pediatric)

Ambulatori e patologie trattate


In NeMO Clinical Center Rome there are the Neurology and Psychology ambulatories. In the Center we take care of adult patients with:

  • Motor neuron diseases
  • Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • SBMA – Spinobulbar Muscular Atrophy – Kennedy’s Disease
  • Genetic polyneuropathies
  • Adult myopathies
  • CIDP – Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
  • hATTR – Transthyretin Amyloidotic Polyneuropathy



In NeMO Clinical Center Rome there are Neurology, Neurology of the Developmental Age, Pneumology, Physiatry, Neurology for taking charge, Psychology and Neuropsychology ambulatories. In the Center we take care of pediatric patients with:

  • Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy
  • Congenital Myotonic Dystrophy
  • Infantile Myotonic Dystrophy
  • Congenital myopathies
  • Muscle channelopathies
  • Genetic polyneuropathies

Prestazioni sanitarie


At NeMO Clinical Center Rome we offer different health services for our adult patients:

  • Clinical evaluation and diagnostics
  • Pathological diagnostics
  • Genetic diagnostics
  • Standard and innovative therapies
  • Training of caregivers in the use of ventilators and gastrostomy
  • Taking charge services (on site and in network with local structures)
  • Neurological and pneumological management
  • Services connected with domicile and territory



At NeMO Clinical Center Rome we offer different health services for our pediatric patients:

  • Diagnostic clinical evaluation
  • Pathological diagnosis
  • Genetic diagnostics
  • Standard and innovative therapies
  • Neurological, pneumological, rehabilitative and psychological management
  • Experimental therapies
  • Collaboration network with the territory



  • Ordinary hospitalization
  • Hospitalization in acute and emergency room situations
  • Therapeutic day hospital
  • Multi-specialist clinics



  • Ordinary hospitalization
  • Day hospital

Le unità di ricerca clinica

Tutti i Centri NeMO sono attivi nell’ambito della ricerca clinica, conducendo numerosi studi, la maggior parte dei quali in rete con gli altri Centri NeMO e/o con la comunità clinica nazionale ed internazionale: per rendere maggiormente efficiente questa attività di rete, presso i Centri Clinici di Milano e Roma , sono presenti unità cliniche dedicate alla ricerca, che supportano la gestione ed il coordinamento dei trial clinici nei quali i due centri sono coinvolti.
Accanto alla ricerca clinica è attivo NEMOLAB, hub tecnologico dedicato a progetti che mirano a trovare soluzioni per migliorare l’autonomia di bambini e adulti con malattia neuromuscolare.

NiNeR - NeMO Institute of Neuromuscular Research

The NINeR was inaugurated on September 25, 2019 in Rome by NeMO Clinical Center and the Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS Foundation. It is an institute for clinical research in the pediatric field on neuromuscular diseases, in particular on Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) and Muscular Dystrophies,  it was created to enhance the clinical-scientific know-how developed to date, with the aim of allowing children to access new care treatments as quickly as possible.

The NINeR includes a Clinical Trial Unit: an area of 150 square meters where children, together with families, can access experimental treatments. The unit includes a multi-specialist team prepared for the activation and dissemination of research protocols and procedures that meet the best international standards for conducting clinical trials.

The scientific director of NiNeR is Prof. Eugenio Mercuri.

Centro Clinico NeMO Rome in Italia e nel mondo

NeMO Clinical Center Rome – adult section – is a regional reference center for ALS and Polyneuropathies. It works in close collaboration with the regional territorial network.

It is recognized by the Italian Association of Peripheral Neuropathies (AINP) and is a reference for associations of patients with neuromuscular disease and NeMO members. In particular with the Lazio section of AISLA ONLUS, UILDM, the Association for Research on Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ICOMM ONLUS.

NeMO Clinical Center Rome – adult section – is part of the Department of Neuroscience of the A. Gemelli Foundation University Hospital, and has an agreement for teaching activities with:

  • Degree Course in Medicine
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Degree Course in Physiotherapy
  • Postgraduate Specialisation in Neurology

NeMO Clinical Center Rome – pediatric section – is a rare disease presidium for the Lazio Region.

It is part of the most important national and international research networks on neuromuscular diseases in the pediatric field for clinical research and disease registries and is a reference for national associations of families. In particular Families SMA, UILDM, ASAMSI and Parent Project.


NeMO Clinical Center Rome – pediatric section – is part of the Department of Women’s and Children’s Health of the A. Gemelli Foundation University Hospital.

News da NeMO Rome




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